py-pyobjc-framework-AVKit | Wrappers for the framework AVKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-AVRouting | Wrappers for the framework AVRouting on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-BackgroundAssets | Wrappers for the framework BackgroundAssets on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-BusinessChat | Wrappers for the framework BusinessChat on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CalendarStore | Wrappers for the framework CalendarStore on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CallKit | Wrappers for the framework CallKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CFNetwork | Wrappers for the framework CFNetwork on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-ClassKit | Wrappers for the framework ClassKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CloudKit | Wrappers for the framework CloudKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-Cocoa | Wrappers for the framework Cocoa on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-Collaboration | Wrappers for the framework Collaboration on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-ColorSync | Wrappers for the framework ColorSync on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-Contacts | Wrappers for the framework Contacts on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-ContactsUI | Wrappers for the framework ContactsUI on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CoreAudio | Wrappers for the framework CoreAudio on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CoreAudioKit | Wrappers for the framework CoreAudioKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CoreBluetooth | Wrappers for the framework CoreBluetooth on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CoreData | Wrappers for the framework CoreData on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CoreHaptics | Wrappers for the framework CoreHaptics on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CoreLocation | Wrappers for the framework CoreLocation on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CoreMedia | Wrappers for the framework CoreMedia on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CoreMediaIO | Wrappers for the framework CoreMediaIO on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CoreMIDI | Wrappers for the framework CoreMIDI on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CoreML | Wrappers for the framework CoreML on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CoreMotion | Wrappers for the framework CoreMotion on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CoreServices | Wrappers for the framework CoreServices on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CoreSpotlight | Wrappers for the framework CoreSpotlight on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CoreText | Wrappers for the framework CoreText on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CoreWLAN | Wrappers for the framework CoreWLAN on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-CryptoTokenKit | Wrappers for the framework CryptoTokenKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-DataDetection | Wrappers for the framework DataDetection on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-DeviceCheck | Wrappers for the framework DeviceCheck on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-DictionaryServices | Wrappers for the framework DictionaryServices on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-DiscRecording | Wrappers for the framework DiscRecording on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-DiscRecordingUI | Wrappers for the framework DiscRecordingUI on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-DiskArbitration | Wrappers for the framework DiskArbitration on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-DVDPlayback | Wrappers for the framework DVDPlayback on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-EventKit | Wrappers for the framework EventKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-ExceptionHandling | Wrappers for the framework ExceptionHandling on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-ExecutionPolicy | Wrappers for the framework ExecutionPolicy on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-ExtensionKit | Wrappers for the framework ExtensionKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-ExternalAccessory | Wrappers for the framework ExternalAccessory on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-FileProvider | Wrappers for the framework FileProvider on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-FileProviderUI | Wrappers for the framework FileProviderUI on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-FinderSync | Wrappers for the framework FinderSync on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-FSEvents | Wrappers for the framework FSEvents on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-GameCenter | Wrappers for the framework GameCenter on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-GameController | Wrappers for the framework GameController on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-GameKit | Wrappers for the framework GameKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-GameplayKit | Wrappers for the framework GameplayKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-HealthKit | Wrappers for the framework HealthKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-ImageCaptureCore | Wrappers for the framework ImageCaptureCore on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-InputMethodKit | Wrappers for the framework InputMethodKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-InstallerPlugins | Wrappers for the framework InstallerPlugins on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-InstantMessage | Wrappers for the framework InstantMessage on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-Intents | Wrappers for the framework Intents on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-IntentsUI | Wrappers for the framework IntentsUI on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-IOBluetooth | Wrappers for the framework IOBluetooth on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-IOBluetoothUI | Wrappers for the framework IOBluetoothUI on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-IOSurface | Wrappers for the framework IOSurface on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-iTunesLibrary | Wrappers for the framework iTunesLibrary on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-KernelManagement | Wrappers for the framework KernelManagement on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-LatentSemanticMapping | Wrappers for the framework LatentSemanticMapping on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-LaunchServices | Wrappers for the framework LaunchServices on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-libdispatch | Wrappers for the framework libdispatch on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-libxpc | Wrappers for the framework libxpc on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-LinkPresentation | Wrappers for the framework LinkPresentation on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-LocalAuthentication | Wrappers for the framework LocalAuthentication on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-LocalAuthenticationEmbeddedUI | Wrappers for the framework LocalAuthenticationEmbeddedUI on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-MailKit | Wrappers for the framework MailKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-MapKit | Wrappers for the framework MapKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-MediaAccessibility | Wrappers for the framework MediaAccessibility on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-MediaLibrary | Wrappers for the framework MediaLibrary on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-MediaPlayer | Wrappers for the framework MediaPlayer on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-MediaToolbox | Wrappers for the framework MediaToolbox on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-Metal | Wrappers for the framework Metal on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-MetalFX | Wrappers for the framework MetalFX on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-MetalKit | Wrappers for the framework MetalKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-MetalPerformanceShaders | Wrappers for the framework MetalPerformanceShaders on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-MetalPerformanceShadersGraph | Wrappers for the framework MetalPerformanceShadersGraph on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-MetricKit | Wrappers for the framework MetricKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-MLCompute | Wrappers for the framework MLCompute on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-ModelIO | Wrappers for the framework ModelIO on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-MultipeerConnectivity | Wrappers for the framework MultipeerConnectivity on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-NaturalLanguage | Wrappers for the framework NaturalLanguage on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-NetFS | Wrappers for the framework NetFS on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-Network | Wrappers for the framework Network on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-NetworkExtension | Wrappers for the framework NetworkExtension on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-NotificationCenter | Wrappers for the framework NotificationCenter on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-OpenDirectory | Wrappers for the framework OpenDirectory on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-OSAKit | Wrappers for the framework OSAKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-OSLog | Wrappers for the framework OSLog on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-PassKit | Wrappers for the framework PassKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-PencilKit | Wrappers for the framework PencilKit on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-PHASE | Wrappers for the framework PHASE on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-Photos | Wrappers for the framework Photos on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-PhotosUI | Wrappers for the framework PhotosUI on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-PreferencePanes | Wrappers for the framework PreferencePanes on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-PubSub | Wrappers for the framework PubSub on macOS | |
py-pyobjc-framework-PushKit | Wrappers for the framework PushKit on macOS |